Music Box Records
last updated 22 Jan 2014
Label associated with Danny Doyle.

Prefix MBS
001 Danny Doyle - Somewhere Somebody Waits / Bells of the Morning [1976] (no PS) #5 Irish chart hit
002 Danny Doyle - Jimmy Spoons / The Lambs On The Green Hills [1976] (no PS)
003 Big Jim Farley Band - Coulin / ? [1977]
004 Danny Doyle - Nora Lee / I'm Just A Song And Dance Man [1977]
Galaxy Records [UK]
Doyle's Galaxy Records singles have Music Box prefixes in the matrix:
MBS E 100 Danny Doyle - The Rare Old Times [1978] MBS matrix unconfirmed
MBS E 101 Danny Doyle - Old Dublin Town / Bells of the Morning [1978]
Prefix MBR
001LP Danny Doyle - Volume 1 [1975]
002LP Danny Doyle - Volume 2 [1975]
003? Danny Doyle - The West's Awake [1976]
004 V/A - The Point (Irish Cast) LP+booklet [1977]