Virgin Prunes Live Chronology

This is a list of known concert dates. Click the date for more details
about each gig, including details of known live tapes/CDRs currently
in circulation from which setlist details have been extracted.
Anyone with live audio or video to trade should get in touch!
Date | | Location | Venue |
78.05.25 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre |
78.09.18 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre (with U2) |
78.10.xx | | Dublin | The Top Hat |
78.11.22 | | Dublin | St. Anthony's Hall (Punk Festival) |
79.01.26 | | Dublin | Howth Community Centre, supporting U2 |
79.02.16 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre ("Dark Space Festival") |
79.02.17 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre ("Dark Space Festival") |
79.05.26 | | Dublin | McGonagles (3-5 pm) |
79.06.02 | | Dublin | McGonagles (3-6 pm) |
79.07.xx | | Dublin | [unknown] |
79.10.xx | | Dublin | RTE Television Studio ("Late Late Show") |
80.03.19 | | London | Acklam Hall, supporting Berlin and headliner U2 ("Sense of Ireland") |
80.08.01 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre |
80.08.02 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre |
81.02.13 | | London | Polytechnic of North London |
81.02.19 | | Dublin | UCD |
81.03.14 | | London | Lyceum |
81.03.15 | | London | Lyceum |
81.04.02 | | Dublin | Newman House |
81.04.13 | | St. Etienne | [unknown] |
81.04.25 | | Dublin | Project Arts Centre |
81.09.06 | | Stafford | New Bingley Hall ("Futurama 3" Festival) |
81.09.07 | | Leeds | The Warehouse |
81.10.09 | | London | Polytechnic of North London |
81.10.20 | | London | King's College, The Strand |
81.10.21 | | Brighton | New Regent |
81.10.22 | | Canterbury | Marlowe Theatre |
81.10.23 | | Manchester | Manchester University |
81.10.24 | | Norwich | University of East Anglia |
81.11.07 | | Dublin | Douglas Hyde Gallery ("A New Form Of Beauty 5") |
81.11.08 | | Dublin | Douglas Hyde Gallery ("A New Form Of Beauty 5") |
81.xx.xx | | Dublin | RTE Radio Studio (Dave Fanning Show Session 1) |
81.xx.xx | | Dublin | RTE Radio Studio (Dave Fanning Show Session 2) |
82.01.13 | | Liverpool | The Warehouse |
82.01.14 | | London | The Venue |
82.02.16 | | Firenze, Italy | Teenax |
82.02.19 | | Dublin | UCD |
82.03.12 | | Glasgow | Night Moves |
82.03.13 | | Edinburgh | Nite Club |
82.03.14 | | London | The Lyceum |
82.03.15 | | London | The Lyceum |
82.04.30 | | Amsterdam | De Meervart |
82.05.02 | | Tilburg | KWJ |
82.05.xx | | Paris | The Rex Club |
82.05.10 | | Dublin | The TV Club |
82.05.17 | | London | The Venue |
82.10.31 | | London | Heaven |
82.11.03 | | Nijmegen | Doornroosje |
82.11.25 | | London (Brixton) | The Ace |
82.11.25 | | London | BBC TV Studio ("Whatever You Want") |
82.12.xx | | France | French TV ("Echo Des Bananes") |
82.12.xx | | Brussels | Plan K |
83.01.11 | | Hamburg | [unknown] |
83.01.27 | | Rennes | Salle de la Cité |
83.01.28 | | Paris | Theatre Le Palace, Montmartre |
83.01.29 | | Angouleme | [unknown] |
83.02.01 | | Rouen | Garbage Hall |
83.02.03 | | Nancy | Salle Rencontre |
83.02.04 | | Lyon | Ecole Centrale |
83.02.05 | | Lausanne | Salle St. Jean |
83.02.06 | | Zurich | Rote Fabrik |
83.02.12 | | Milano | Odessia 2001 |
83.02.16 | | Firenze | Teenax |
83.02.19 | | Basel | Totentanz |
83.02.20 | | Tubingen | Zentium Zoo |
83.02.22 | | Hamburg | Markthalle |
83.02.24 | | Berlin | SO36 club |
83.02.26 | | Apeldoorn | Gigant |
83.02.27 | | Borgerhout, Belgium | Hof Ter Lo |
83.02.xx | | Vienna | [unknown] |
83.03.xx | | Hilversum | VPRO Radion Session (broadcast date, probably recorded 83.02) |
83.03.01 | | London | [unknown] |
83.03.02 | | Manchester | The Hacienda |
83.03.03 | | Glasgow | Nightmoves |
83.03.28 | | Montreal | La Pleine Lune |
83.03.31 | | Boston | Spit |
83.04.06 | | London (Brixton) | The Ace |
83.04.12 | | Milano | Odessia 2001 |
83.04.13 | | Bologna | Teatro Tenda |
83.04.30 | | Utrecht | Tivoli |
83.08.09 | | Dublin | SFX |
83.08.11 | | London | The Electric Ballroom |
83.08.12 | | London | The Electric Ballroom |
83.08.13 | | [unknown] | festival? |
83.08.14 | | De Panne, Belgium | Seaside festival |
83.08.15 | | [unknown] | festival? |
83.09.02 | | Rotterdam | Pandora's Box festival |
83.09.03 | | Rotterdam | Pandora's Box festival |
83.09.04 | | Deinze, Belgium | Futurama |
83.11.23 | | Wakefield | Hellfire Club |
83.11.24 | | Bristol | Trinity Hall |
83.11.25 | | Rayleigh | Croc's |
83.11.26 | | UK | Saturday Night Session, BBC Radio Live |
83.11.27 | | London | The Lyceum |
83.11.29 | | Nottingham | Rock City |
83.11.30 | | Manchester | The Hacienda |
83.xx.xx | | New York | Danceteria |
84.01.13 | | St. Etienne | Le Lycée |
84.07.09 | | Bologna | Arena Puccini |
84.07.10 | | Firenze | Motovelodromo |
84.07.13 | | Bari | Stadio S Nicola |
84.07.14 | | Rome | Ex Mattatio |
84.07.16 | | Napoli | [unknown] |
84.09.27 | | Paris | El Dorado Theatre |
84.09.29 | | Utrecht | [unknown] |
84.09.30 | | Utrecht | Vrije Vloer |
84.xx.xx | | New York | Danceteria |
84.xx.xx | | Long Island? | [unknown] |
85.05.17 | | Dublin | TV Club |
85.05.19 | | London | Hammersmith Palais |
85.07.19 | | Cork | Sir Henry's |
85.07.20 | | Galway | The Castle |
85.07.21 | | Ballybunion | Atlantic |
85.07.22 | | Limerick | Savoy |
85.07.25 | | Tramore | Katie Reilly's |
85.07.26 | | Sligo | Blue Lagoon |
85.07.27 | | Dundalk | [unknown] |
85.10.13 | | Paris | Salle de la Mutualité |
85.11.24 | | Dublin | SFX (supporting Siouxsie & The Banshees) |
85.11.25 | | Dublin | SFX (supporting Siouxsie & The Banshees) |
85.12.09 | | Northampton | Northampton Roadmenders |
85.12.10 | | London | The Electric Ballroom |
85.12.12 | | Croydon | The Underground |
85.12.13 | | Brighton | University of Sussex |
85.12.14 | | Bedford | Boys' Club |
85.xx.xx | | Wakefield | Hellfire Club |
86.03.19 | | London (Brixton) | The Fridge |
86.06.06 | | Paris | Theatre Elysees |
86.06.07 | | Strasbourg | Le Bandit |
86.06.10 | | Frankfurt | Batschkapp |
86.06.12 | | Hannover | Sox's |
86.06.14 | | Berlin | Die Loft |
86.06.15 | | Hamburg | Spex |
86.06.17 | | Amsterdam | Paradiso Club |
86.06.18 | | Rotterdam | Arena |
86.07.19 | | Manchester | GMEX Centre |
86.07.20 | | Oudenburg, Belgium | Polderrock festival |
86.07.21 | | Leopoldsburg, Belgium | Pukkelpop festival |
Unofficial Live Releases (bootleg tape and CD-R)
1979-83 TV & Radio Sessions 79-83
Track listing:
- Theme for Thought (version)
- J.R.
- Trust
- Pop Song
- Grey Light
- Walls of Jericho (version)
- Baü-Dachöng
- We Sing a Song
- I'm God
- Love Lasts Forever
- Walls of Jericho
"ECHO DES BANANES" FRENCH TV 12/82 [or ?/83]
- Ulakanakulot
- Decline and Fall
- Walls of Jericho
- Caucasion Walk
- Theme for Tought
VPRO SESSION (Dutch Radio) 3/83
- Caucasion Walk
- Walls of Jericho
- Pagan Lovesong
- Sweethomeunderwhiteclouds
- Baü-Dachöng
1983-86 Rarities Vol.1 [96 min. video cassette PAL/VHS]
Track listing:
De Panne (Belgium) - Seaside Festival - 83.08.14
- details unknown
Berlin - SO36 club - 83.02.24
- details unknown
Lausanne - Salle St. Jean - 83.02.05
- details unknown [see separate entry below for details of this performance]
Brussels - 1982 or 1983
- details unknown, possibly recorded at Plan K, Dec 1982
Brixton - Ace - 83.04.06
- Walls of Jericho
Rough Trade Promo Video 2.83
-Decline and Fall
French TV ("Echo Des Bananes") 82.12.xx
- Walls of Jericho
- Caucasian Walk
- Ulakanakulot
- Decline and Fall
Oudenburg - Polderrock - 86.7.20
- Love Lasts Forever
22 November 1978
St. Anthony's Hall, Dublin
Punk Festival held at St.Anthony's Hall in Dublin. The punk rock era in Ireland is criminally
under-documented. Other bands who played this festival include The Citizens and Skank Mooks.
As far I know, there are no tapes in circulation.
26 January 1979
Howth Community Centre, Howth, Co.Dublin
Supporting U2
In Dublin magazine, January 1979
16-17 February 1979
Project Arts Centre, Dublin
Dark Space 24 Hour Festival
In Dublin magazine, February 1979
Dark Space Advert, February 1979
19 March 1980
Acklam Hall, London
This gig was one of a series organised by the Sense of Ireland Festival. Four nights
of music were organised at different venues around London under the Sounds of Ireland
banner. The Prunes played the last nigth at the Acklam Hall, opening for Berlin and
headline act U2.
As far I know this show is not in circulation.
81.02.13 North London Polytechnic
Support act for Pere Ubu.
81.09.06 Futurama 3, New Bingley Hall, Stafford
81.09.07 Warehouse, Leeds
81.10.09 North London Polytechnic
Support act for The Fall.
Incorrectly dated 81.10.19 elsewhere.
81.10.23 Manchester University [40 mins]
81.11.07 Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin
"A New Form Of Beauty 5"
82.02.16 Teenax, Firenze, Italy
Man On The Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot - Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
82.02.19 UCD, Dublin
A CDR edition.
King Of Junk
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
I'm So So Tired
Man On The Corner
Caucasian Walk
Walls Of Jericho
Sleep Fantasy Dream
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Pagan Lovesong
Sandpaper Lullabye
Come To Daddy
82.03.13 Nite Club, Edinburgh
We Sing A Song
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
(title unknown)
(title unknown)
Caucasian Walk
Walls of Jericho
Pagan Love Song
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
Sandpaper Lullaby
Pig Children
82.03.14 The Lyceum, London
82.03.15 The Lyceum, London
thanks to Dominique Sureaud for the image
82.04.30 De Meervart, Amsterdam
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
King Of Junk
Dave-Id Is Dead
Caucasian Walk
Walls of Jericho
Pagan Love Song
Sweet Home Under Whiteclouds
Come To Daddy
The Blues Song
The Pig Children
A CDR edition was offered on ebay in Feb 2006
82.05.02 KWJ, Tilburg, Holland [65 mins]
82.11.03 Doornroosje, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
I'm So Tired
Ballad Of The Man
Theatrical Piece
Ulakanakulot - Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
Blues Song
Pig Children / Gaga!
82.11.25 Ace, Brixton [67 mins]
Supporting The Birthday Party. This show was supposedly recorded by Channel 4 TV
though as far as I know the entire show has never been aired. Two Birthday Party
tracks ("Fears Of Gun" and "Hamlet(Pow!Pow!Pow!)" [both later included on the
Pleasure Heads Must Burn video/DVD] and one Prunes track ("Walls of Jericho")
were broadcast on "Whatever You Want". The ticket stub and poster mentions the
TV recording:
Two different cassette editions:
Ballad Of The Man
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Caucasian Walk
Walls Of Jericho
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
82.12.xx Plan-K, Brussels
Theme For Thought
Walls of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Love Song
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
The Blues Song
Pig Children
83.01.27 Salle de la Cité, Rennes
Man On The Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Decline And Fall
Walls of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Love Song
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
Ballad Of The Man
83.01.28 Theatre Le Palace, Montmartre, Paris
83.02.01 Garbage Hall, Rouen
One of two "Nuits Sordide Sentimentale" in 1983 with Tuxedomoon (Jan 31st)
and the Virgin Prunes (Feb 1st). This has been released on vinyl as "Reptiles".
The poster shows the location as L'Exo 7 in Le Petit-Quevilly near Rouen, but
it is known as the (not very French sounding) Garbage Hall.
See main discography for more details.
Man On The Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
The Blues Song
83.02.04 Ecole Centrale, Lyon [40 mins FM broadcast]
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
83.02.05 Salle St. Jean, Lausanne, Switzerland [30 mins TV broadcast]
Beware DVD copies of this broadcast being offered on GEMM by a seller in Austria.
It has extemely poor picture quality (which he at least admits).
This is a multi-camera shot in B&W and colour.
DVD Setlist:
Ulakanakulot/Decline & Fall
Theme for Thought
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
Man On The Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
83.02.06 Rote Fabrik, Zurich, Switzerland
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
Caucasian Walk
83.02.12 Odessia 2001, Milano, Italy
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Dave-Id Is Dead
Come To Daddy
We Love Deirdre
83.02.19 Totentanz, Basel, Switzerland
83.02.22 Markthalle Hamburg
83.02.24 SO36 Club, Berlin
Man on the Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot/Decline & Fall
Theme for Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Love Song
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
This particular bootleg tape included a bonus track:
My Death [Paradiso, Amsterdam 86.06.17]
83.02.26 De Gigant, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Man On The Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
The Blues Song
83.02.27 Hof Ter Lo, Borgerhout, Belgium
CDR offered for sale on ebay, Feb 2006
A set of photos taken at this gig can be viewed here.
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
The Blues Song
83.02.xx Live in Vienna 1983 [video cassette PAL/VHS] [30mins]
Recorded live in Vienna 1983 by Zodiak Video Wien
This video was available by mail-order direct from Zodiak Video
Caucasian Walk
Theme for Thought
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Way To Go Home
83.03.02 Hacienda, Manchester [66 mins]
David-Id Performance: (title unknown)
David-Id Performance: Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot/Decline & Fall
Theme for Thought
Walls of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Come To Daddy
Show Me The Way To Go Home (encore)
83.04.06 Ace, Brixton
White History Book
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Just A Lovesong
Ulakanakulot / Decline &Amp; Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Deadly Sins
Come To Daddy
83.04.13 Teatro Tenda, Bologna, Italy
Some of this show was videoed. The copy quality currently circulating on DVD has very poor picture quality.
Man On The Corner
Over The Rainbow
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Ulakanakulot / Decline And Fall
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Sweethome Under White Clouds
True Life Story
Come To Daddy
83.08.11 Electric Ballroom, Camden, London [66 mins]
Cassette tracklisting:
David-Id Performance: The White History Book
David-Id Performance: Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
David-Id Performance: Just A Love Song
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Love Song
Sweethome Under Whiteclouds/No One Cares
The White History Book
Uncle Arthur Lonely World
Deadly Sins
Sons Find Devils
Song For The Heartless / My Dependance On You
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Lovesong
Hurt The One I Love
Sweethome Under White Clouds
True Life Story
Love Lasts Forever
Come To Daddy
Deadly Sins
83.08.12 Electric Ballroom, Camden, London [55mins]
83.09.02 Pandora's Box Festival, Rotterdam (De Doelen?)
David-Id Performance: The White History Book
David-Id Performance: Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
David-Id Performance: (title unknown)
David-Id Performance: Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Deadly Sins
Sons Find Devils
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
83.09.04 Futurama, Deinze, Belgium
A set of photos taken at this gig can be viewed here.
(title unknown)
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Deadly Sins
Sons Find Devils
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Pagan Love Song
Sweethome Under Whiteclouds
True Life Story
Love Lasts Forever
Come To Daddy
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
83.11.23 Hellfire Club, Wakefield
Theme For Thought
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Love Lasts Forever
True Life Story
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Lady Day
Song For The Heartless
Sons Find Devils
Pagan Lovesong
Come To Daddy
Deadly Sins
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
83.11.24 Trinity Hall, Bristol
Dave-id Performance - Uncle Arthur
Theme for Thought
Walls of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Love Lasts Forever
True Life Story
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Lady Day
Song for the Heartless
Sons Find Devils
(title unknown)
Pagan Love Song
Come To Daddy
Deadly Sins mk1
Show Me The Way To Go Home
83.11.26 Saturday Night Session [20 mins]
83.11.27 Lyceum, London [75 mins]
White History Book
Uncle Arthur's Lonely World
Theme For Thought
Caucasian Walk
True Life Story
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Love Lasts Forever
Come To Daddy
Song For The Heartless
Pagan Lovesong
Walls Of Jericho
Deadly Sins
Lady Day
83.11.30 The Hacienda, Manchester
Theme For Thought
Pagan Love Song
(title unknown)
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Run Away
(title unknown)
(title unknown)
(title unknown)
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
(title unknown)
Show Me The Way To Go Home
84.07.14 Ex Mattatio, Rome
Theme For Thought
Pagan Love Song
Love Lasts Forever
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Song for the Heartless
Sons Find Devils
My Dependence On You
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
84.09.30 Vrije Vloer, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Intro (Somewhere Over The Rainbow)
Theme For Thought
Pagan Lovesong
Our Love Lasts Forever
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Song For The Heartless
Sons Find Devils
My Dependence On You
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
85.05.19 Hammersmith Palais London ("The Fabulous Feast of Flowering Light")
Pagan Love Song
Sweethome Under Whiteclouds
Lady Day
Love Lasts Forever
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
85.07.20 The Castle, Galway
85.11.24 SFX Hall, Dublin. Supporting Siouxsie & The Banshees.
85.11.25 SFX Hall, Dublin. Supporting Siouxsie & The Banshees.
85.12.14 The Electric Ballroom, London
85.12.12 The Underground, Croydon
Red Nettle
Never Ending Story
Song For The Heartless
Lady Day
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Pagan Lovesong
Boy Who Fooled The World
The Next Thing To Murder
Love Lasts Forever
Heaven (Short)
Stormy Weather
Love Is Danger
My Dependance On You
Walls Of Jericho
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
Dazzle And Delight
85.12.14 Boys' Club, Bedford
86.06.07 Le Bandit, Strasbourg, France
Over The Rainbow
Lady Day
Song For The Heartless
Don't Look Back
God Bless The Child
Neverending Story
Pagan Lovesong
Walls Of Jericho
Love Lasts Forever
My Death
Love Is Danger
The Moon Looked Down And Laughed
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
Sweethome Under White Clouds
86.06.10 Batschkapp, Frankfurt
Sweet Home Under White Clouds
Lady Day
Song For The Heartless
Don't Look Back
God Bless The Child
Commercial Break
Never Ending Story
Pagan Love Song
Walls of Jericho
Love Lasts Forever
My Heart Waits There
Love Is Danger
The Moon Looked Down And Laughed
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
Sweet Home (Under White Clouds)
86.06.14 Loft, Berlin
86.06.15 Spex, Hamburg
Baile Binn
Lady Day
Song For The Heartless
Don't Look Back
God Bless The Child
Neverending Story
Pagan Lovesong
Walls Of Jericho
Love Lasts Forever
My Death
Love Is Danger
The Moon Looked Down And Laughed
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
Sweethome Under White Clouds
86.06.17 Amsterdam
Dutch FM Radio broadcast. Released on vinyl as "Moonshiner".
See main discography for more details.
LP tracklist::
Blues Song (Sweet Home Under White Clouds)
Lady Day
God Bless The Child
Never Ending Story
My Death
Love Lasts Forever
(Love is Danger) listed on the cover but same as previous track
The Moon Looked Down And Laughed
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
Baile Binn
Lady Day
Song For The Heartless
Don't Look Back
God Bless The Child
Neverending Story
Pagan Lovesong
Walls Of Jericho
Love Lasts Forever
My Death
Love Is Danger
The Moon Looked Down And Laughed
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
The Blues Song
Sweethome Under White Clouds
86.07.19 Festival of the 10th Summer, G-Mex, Manchester
10th Anniversary of punk festival which ran from 12noon until late.
Lineup: John Cooper Clarke, The Worst, Virgin Prunes, Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders,
The Fall, OMD, Sandie Shaw, Pete Shelley, John Cale, The Smiths, New Order
My Death
(title unknown)
Love Lasts Forever
Walls Of Jericho
(title unknown)
Sweet Home Under Whiteclouds
Love Can Kill
(title unknown)
Caucasian Walk
86.07.21 Pukkelpop Festival, Leopoldsburg, Belgium
Sweethome Under White Clouds
Lady Day
Don't Look Back
God Bless The Child
Walls Of Jericho
Love Lasts Forever
My Death
Love Is Danger
The Moon Looked Down And Laughed
Caucasian Walk
Deadly Sins
back to main discography